Advanced Thinkers
Grades 3-8
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Students that will be entering the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth grade in Fall 2025 are able to enroll in the morning enrichment program at Project Think.
A block schedule allows students to enjoy all six classes throughout the week. These exciting course offerings provide an opportunity for students to explore areas that are often not addressed during the traditional school year. The classes are filled with hands-on activities, projects, lessons, and educational presentations from visitors that will be sure to get your child ready and excited for the upcoming school year!

Get your diving gear ready and travel the world using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) tools to explore the wonders of the ocean. Become data science experts as you learn how to use multiple data sets and visual topographical tools to build visual story maps.
Each session will focus on mapping the geography, animals, plants, history, and environmental issues around the U.N. Global Goals for conserving and sustaining the oceans, seas, and marine resources of the world. Projects will differ for each session.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of the oceans and seas of the world. View works of famous ocean artists, such as Wyland. Observe how they connect style, color, and design in an ocean environment. Using a variety of media, including drawing and painting, create your own artful masterpieces. You will learn drawing techniques, color, value and perspective to bring ocean wonders alive through art.

Session 1: Learn about the astonishing variety of sea creatures that dwell in the various layers of the ocean and how they adapt to differing pressures, light, and availability of oxygen. What are the latest creatures to be discovered in the oceans’ deepest, darkest layers? How have these animals adapted to their environments? Discover which ocean animals are on the endangered list. Then, join a team of classmates to create a campaign to save these precious creatures.
Session 2: Explore how healthy oceans and seas are essential to our existence. They cover 70% of our planet and we rely on them for food, energy, and water. Learn to respect and appreciate these vast biomes as you become aware of the interrelationships of animals, plants, and minerals and how our lives and actions affect them. Through hands-on experiments, discover ways to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources to protect natural environments such as coral reefs. Devise and commit to a conservation plan for you and your family/friends.
Creative Writing
Thrilling sea adventures rise to the surface as you create your own stories. Acquire descriptive language to write your own adventurous tale. Exciting literature will provide new vocabulary and a background of experience as you learn about character analysis and elements of story styles. As a young author, you will write and then publish your own literary works during both sessions. You may choose from a variety of genre and will learn stimulating revision techniques to finalize your compositions. What ocean creatures will you include in your masterpiece? Which ocean and layer will be the setting of your story? Curriculum is varied for each session.

Develop your science and engineering skills as you create oceanography projects of your choice. Guided by the Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering and Science and the U.N. Global Goals for Sustainable Development, students engage in hands-on activities that challenge them to be creative thinkers.
First Session: Explore and understand the threats of plastic waste and other forms of pollution to our oceans that result in ocean acidification and loss of marine life. Design a project with your oceanography team that provides creative solutions and encourages others to save these precious resources.
Second Session: Investigate how climate and sea level rise affect coastal communities worldwide. Use innovative engineering strategies in teams to design model houses that can adapt and survive these changes.
Learn to use your imagination to develop captivating stage presence and build confidence as you explore interactive drama techniques. Reach into the minds of the audience as you move and react, using all your senses. Improvisation, theatre games, and exercises will help you develop your public speaking skills and explore the hidden talents that you possess.

12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Advanced Thinkers enrolled in the morning program can extend their enrichment by selecting one of the Afternoon Extracurricular classes list below. Students enrolled in the morning and afternoon classes have a supervised lunchtime daily. Please send a sack lunch and drink for each child.

Swimming Lessons
All Ages
Enjoy a cool dip in the Pitzer College swimming pool. Daily lessons are provided for every swimming level by Red Cross certified lifeguards and instructors. When the children return from the pool they will be engaged in fun summer activities.

Coding, Robotics & Makerspace
Grades 4-8
Develop your coding and engineering skills as you explore technological design through creativity in the STEAM laboratory. Guided by the California Computer Science Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards for engineering, students will engage in a variety of real-world projects each session.
First session:
Learn to use Tinkercad, a Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software, to draft an object from the ocean of your choice. Become familiar with the process of 3D printing and have your object come alive as it is 3D printed. (Additional $60 lab fee included in registration)
Embark on a journey into the world of coding using Scratch as you learn the fundamentals of computer programming in a fun and interactive way. Unleash your creativity as you design characters, develop game mechanics, and build immersive game worlds. By the end of the program, you will have developed a functional game to proudly share with friends and family. Beyond learning to code, this class fosters teamwork, critical thinking, and a passion for technology.
Navigate your world and further develop your computer science knowledge while using the programmable Sphero bots and other coding platforms.
Second session:
Design, build, and program a series of projects culminating in a robotic ocean animal using Hummingbird Kits (educational, advanced robotics kits that include LED lights, sensors, and servo motors). Students will take home their robot and kit to continue designing throughout the year. (Additional $219 fee for kits included in registration)
Embark on a journey into the world of coding using Scratch as you learn the fundamentals of computer programming in a fun and interactive way. Unleash your creativity as you design characters, develop game mechanics, and build immersive game worlds. By the end of the camp, you will have developed a functional game to proudly share with friends and family. Beyond just learning to code, this class fosters teamwork, critical thinking, and a passion for technology.
Navigate your world and further develop your computer science knowledge while using the programmable Sphero bots and other coding platforms.

Grades 3-8
Learn conversational Spanish and develop a keen understanding of the rich Hispanic/Latino heritage of our own California. Also enjoy learning about the cultures of Spanish-speaking nations as you travel around the world experiencing their music, dance, and art. This hands-on, highly interactive, and fun class is an excellent opportunity for all levels to engage in speaking Spanish.

Grades 3-8
Practice acting techniques and bring your talents to fruition as you plan, organize, and participate in filming around our oceanography theme for your families to view at Family Night. You will have plenty of opportunities to express yourself as you enjoy theatre games and exercises. Learn about theatre make-up and costuming, simple sets, and all the peripherals that will make you a believable actor or actress. Guest speakers with demonstrations from various areas within the world of theater will add to the learning.